Jacob Morris is a multi-instrumentalist (singer, cello, guitars, bass, keyboards) living just outside of Durham, North Carolina. He began studying cello at the age of four in Austin Texas, playing in his musical family (his father is a celebrated luthier and fine picker). Upon moving to Athens, Georgia in 2005, he quickly found his place in the legendary music scene there playing with (among others) Vic Chesnutt, Ham1, and Madeline Adams. During that time, I would see him playing in various bands and became a huge fan. He released his stellar debut album Moths that was one of my favorite albums of that year. I later recruited him to play in my Downtown Rumblers band for my solo album Heat Lightning Rumbles in the Distance and the month-long US tour we did in the fall of 2012.
— Patterson Hood (Drive-By Truckers)

Photo by Jason Thrasher

  • Jacob has resurfaced with another beautiful collection of songs. Slow Funeral was recorded at 1093 in Athens, Georgia by John Spiegel. Recorded mostly live in the studio during late night sessions, the record draws you in with its midnight vibes and hypnotic pull. In addition to his excellent musicianship, Jacob has an angelic voice and writes fantastic songs. He is often compared musically to such artists as Nick Drake, John Cale and Elliott Smith, all great comparisons but he’s definitely his own artist with his own sound and style.

    On the EP Slow Funeral, Jacob is ably backed up by Elephant Six veteran John Fernandes, as well as Thomas Valadez, Cullen Toole and Al Daglis (who co-produced the album with Jacob). These six songs are beautiful and thoughtful, pulling you into its trancelike universe and wrapping around you like a warm blanket on a snowy morning.


New EP Available NOW


Artwork by Nash Hogan

Slow Funeral was recorded in a series of late night sessions at 1093 in Athens, GA, by the graciousness of the studio and its engineer John Spiegel. Almost each track is from live, unedited performances of each instrument, with some overdubs of vocals and keys in some places. Each song, though different in mood, seems to occupy the same environment as the others because, well, it did. There’s an atmospheric quality to the space inhabited that runs through the EP like a ribbon. Order on CD and signed color vinyl here.



SAT, JUNE 24: ATHFEST @ 10pm (GA Theatre Roof)


Photo by Jason Thrasher


For Band Correspondence and General Inquiries.

Photo by Jason Thrasher